var H5P = H5P || {};
* H5P audio module
* @external {jQuery} $ H5P.jQuery
H5P.Audio = (function ($) {
* @param {Object} params Options for this library.
* @param {Number} id Content identifier.
* @param {Object} extras Extras.
* @returns {undefined}
function C(params, id, extras) {;
this.contentId = id;
this.params = params;
this.extras = extras;
this.toggleButtonEnabled = true;
// Retrieve previous state
if (extras && extras.previousState !== undefined) {
this.oldTime = extras.previousState.currentTime;
this.params = $.extend({}, {
playerMode: 'minimalistic',
fitToWrapper: false,
controls: true,
autoplay: false,
audioNotSupported: "Your browser does not support this audio",
playAudio: "Play audio",
pauseAudio: "Pause audio"
}, params);
// Required if e.g. used in CoursePresentation as area to click on
if (this.params.playerMode === 'transparent') {
this.params.fitToWrapper = true;
this.on('resize', this.resize, this);
C.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
C.prototype.constructor = C;
* Adds a minimalistic audio player with only "play" and "pause" functionality.
* @param {jQuery} $container Container for the player.
* @param {boolean} transparentMode true: the player is only visible when hovering over it; false: player's UI always visible
C.prototype.addMinimalAudioPlayer = function ($container, transparentMode) {
var INNER_CONTAINER = 'h5p-audio-inner';
var AUDIO_BUTTON = 'h5p-audio-minimal-button';
var PLAY_BUTTON = 'h5p-audio-minimal-play';
var PLAY_BUTTON_PAUSED = 'h5p-audio-minimal-play-paused';
var PAUSE_BUTTON = 'h5p-audio-minimal-pause';
var self = this;
this.$container = $container;
self.$inner = $('
', {
'class': INNER_CONTAINER + (transparentMode ? ' h5p-audio-transparent' : '')
var audioButton = $('', {
'class': AUDIO_BUTTON + " " + PLAY_BUTTON,
'aria-label': this.params.playAudio
.click( function () {
if (!self.isEnabledToggleButton()) {
// Prevent ARIA from playing over audio on click
this.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true');
if ( {;
else {
.on('focusout', function () {
// Restore ARIA, required when playing longer audio and tabbing out and back in
this.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'false');
// Fit to wrapper
if (this.params.fitToWrapper) {
'width': '100%',
'height': '100%'
//Event listeners that change the look of the player depending on events.'ended', function () {
.attr('aria-hidden', false)
.attr('aria-label', self.params.playAudio)
});'play', function () {
.attr('aria-label', self.params.pauseAudio)
});'pause', function () {
.attr('aria-hidden', false)
.attr('aria-label', self.params.playAudio)
this.$audioButton = audioButton;
// Scale icon to container
* Resizes the audio player icon when the wrapper is resized.
C.prototype.resize = function () {
// Find the smallest value of height and width, and use it to choose the font size.
if (this.params.fitToWrapper && this.$container && this.$container.width()) {
var w = this.$container.width();
var h = this.$container.height();
if (w < h) {
this.$audioButton.css({'font-size': w / 2 + 'px'});
else {
this.$audioButton.css({'font-size': h / 2 + 'px'});
return C;
* Wipe out the content of the wrapper and put our HTML in it.
* @param {jQuery} $wrapper Our poor container.
H5P.Audio.prototype.attach = function ($wrapper) {
const self = this;
// Check if browser supports audio.
var audio = document.createElement('audio');
if (audio.canPlayType === undefined) {
// Add supported source files.
if (this.params.files !== undefined && this.params.files instanceof Object) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.params.files.length; i++) {
var file = this.params.files[i];
if (audio.canPlayType(file.mime)) {
var source = document.createElement('source');
source.src = H5P.getPath(file.path, this.contentId);
source.type = file.mime;
if (!audio.children.length) {
if (this.endedCallback !== undefined) {
audio.addEventListener('ended', this.endedCallback, false);
audio.className = 'h5p-audio';
audio.controls = this.params.controls === undefined ? true : this.params.controls;
// Menu removed, because it's cut off if audio is used as H5P.Question intro
const controlsList = 'nodownload noplaybackrate';
audio.setAttribute('controlsList', controlsList);
audio.preload = 'auto'; = 'block';
if (this.params.fitToWrapper === undefined || this.params.fitToWrapper) { = '100%';
if (!this.isRoot()) {
// Only set height if this isn't a root = '100%';
} = audio;
if (this.params.playerMode === 'minimalistic') {
audio.controls = false;
this.addMinimalAudioPlayer($wrapper, false);
else if (this.params.playerMode === 'transparent') {
audio.controls = false;
this.addMinimalAudioPlayer($wrapper, true);
else {
if (audio.controls) {
// Set time to saved time from previous run
if (this.oldTime) {
// Avoid autoplaying in authoring tool
if (window.H5PEditor === undefined) {
// Keep record of autopauses.
// I.e: we don't wanna autoplay if the user has excplicitly paused.
self.autoPaused = true;
// Set up intersection observer
new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {
const entry = entries[0];
if (entry.intersectionRatio == 0) {
if (! {
// Audio element is hidden, pause it
self.autoPaused = true;;
else if (self.params.autoplay && self.autoPaused) {
// Audio element is visible. Autoplay if autoplay is enabled and it was
// not explicitly paused by a user
self.autoPaused = false;;
}, {
root: document.documentElement,
threshold: [0, 1] // Get events when it is shown and hidden
* Attaches not supported message.
* @param {jQuery} $wrapper Our dear container.
H5P.Audio.prototype.attachNotSupportedMessage = function ($wrapper) {
' +
' +
'' + this.params.audioNotSupported + '' +
if (this.endedCallback !== undefined) {
* Stop the audio. TODO: Rename to pause?
* @returns {undefined}
H5P.Audio.prototype.stop = function () {
if (this.flowplayer !== undefined) {
if ( !== undefined) {;
* Play
*/ = function () {
if (this.flowplayer !== undefined) {;
if ( !== undefined) {;
* @public
* Pauses the audio.
H5P.Audio.prototype.pause = function () {
if ( !== undefined) {;
* @public
* Seek to audio position.
* @param {number} seekTo Time to seek to in seconds.
H5P.Audio.prototype.seekTo = function (seekTo) {
if ( !== undefined) { = seekTo;
* @public
* Get current state for resetting it later.
* @returns {object} Current state.
H5P.Audio.prototype.getCurrentState = function () {
if ( !== undefined) {
const currentTime = ? 0 :;
return {
currentTime: currentTime
* @public
* Disable button.
* Not using disabled attribute to block button activation, because it will
* implicitly set tabindex = -1 and confuse ChromeVox navigation. Clicks handled
* using "pointer-events: none" in CSS.
H5P.Audio.prototype.disableToggleButton = function () {
this.toggleButtonEnabled = false;
if (this.$audioButton) {
* @public
* Enable button.
H5P.Audio.prototype.enableToggleButton = function () {
this.toggleButtonEnabled = true;
if (this.$audioButton) {
* @public
* Check if button is enabled.
* @return {boolean} True, if button is enabled. Else false.
H5P.Audio.prototype.isEnabledToggleButton = function () {
return this.toggleButtonEnabled;
/** @constant {string} */
H5P.Audio.BUTTON_DISABLED = 'h5p-audio-disabled';
var H5P = H5P || {};
* Transition contains helper function relevant for transitioning
H5P.Transition = (function ($) {
* @class
* @namespace H5P
Transition = {};
* @private
Transition.transitionEndEventNames = {
'WebkitTransition': 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'transition': 'transitionend',
'MozTransition': 'transitionend',
'OTransition': 'oTransitionEnd',
'msTransition': 'MSTransitionEnd'
* @private
Transition.cache = [];
* Get the vendor property name for an event
* @function H5P.Transition.getVendorPropertyName
* @static
* @private
* @param {string} prop Generic property name
* @return {string} Vendor specific property name
Transition.getVendorPropertyName = function (prop) {
if (Transition.cache[prop] !== undefined) {
return Transition.cache[prop];
var div = document.createElement('div');
// Handle unprefixed versions (FF16+, for example)
if (prop in {
Transition.cache[prop] = prop;
else {
var prefixes = ['Moz', 'Webkit', 'O', 'ms'];
var prop_ = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.substr(1);
if (prop in {
Transition.cache[prop] = prop;
else {
for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; ++i) {
var vendorProp = prefixes[i] + prop_;
if (vendorProp in {
Transition.cache[prop] = vendorProp;
return Transition.cache[prop];
* Get the name of the transition end event
* @static
* @private
* @return {string} description
Transition.getTransitionEndEventName = function () {
return Transition.transitionEndEventNames[Transition.getVendorPropertyName('transition')] || undefined;
* Helper function for listening on transition end events
* @function H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd
* @static
* @param {domElement} $element The element which is transitioned
* @param {function} callback The callback to be invoked when transition is finished
* @param {number} timeout Timeout in milliseconds. Fallback if transition event is never fired
Transition.onTransitionEnd = function ($element, callback, timeout) {
// Fallback on 1 second if transition event is not supported/triggered
timeout = timeout || 1000;
Transition.transitionEndEventName = Transition.transitionEndEventName || Transition.getTransitionEndEventName();
var callbackCalled = false;
var doCallback = function () {
if (callbackCalled) {
$, callback);
callbackCalled = true;
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, timeout);
$element.on(Transition.transitionEndEventName, function () {
* Wait for a transition - when finished, invokes next in line
* @private
* @param {Object[]} transitions Array of transitions
* @param {H5P.jQuery} transitions[].$element Dom element transition is performed on
* @param {number=} transitions[].timeout Timeout fallback if transition end never is triggered
* @param {bool=} transitions[].break If true, sequence breaks after this transition
* @param {number} index The index for current transition
var runSequence = function (transitions, index) {
if (index >= transitions.length) {
var transition = transitions[index];
H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(transition.$element, function () {
if (transition.end) {
if (transition.break !== true) {
runSequence(transitions, index+1);
}, transition.timeout || undefined);
* Run a sequence of transitions
* @function H5P.Transition.sequence
* @static
* @param {Object[]} transitions Array of transitions
* @param {H5P.jQuery} transitions[].$element Dom element transition is performed on
* @param {number=} transitions[].timeout Timeout fallback if transition end never is triggered
* @param {bool=} transitions[].break If true, sequence breaks after this transition
Transition.sequence = function (transitions) {
runSequence(transitions, 0);
return Transition;
var H5P = H5P || {};
* Class responsible for creating a help text dialog
H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog = (function ($) {
var numInstances = 0;
* Display a pop-up containing a message.
* @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The container which message dialog will be appended to
* @param {string} message The message
* @param {string} closeButtonTitle The title for the close button
* @return {H5P.jQuery}
function JoubelHelpTextDialog(header, message, closeButtonTitle) {;
var self = this;
var headerId = 'joubel-help-text-header-' + numInstances;
var helpTextId = 'joubel-help-text-body-' + numInstances;
var $helpTextDialogBox = $('
).append([$tail, $innerBubble])
// Show speech bubble with transition
setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
position($currentSpeechBubble, $currentContainer, maxWidth, $tail, $innerTail);
// Handle click to close
H5P.$body.on('mousedown.speechBubble', handleOutsideClick);
// Handle window resizing
H5P.$window.on('resize', '', handleResize);
// Handle clicks when inside IV which blocks bubbling.
.on('mousedown.speechBubble', handleOutsideClick);
if (iDevice) {
H5P.$body.css('cursor', 'pointer');
return this;
// Remove speechbubble if it belongs to a dom element that is about to be hidden
H5P.externalDispatcher.on('domHidden', function (event) {
if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined &&$dom.find($currentContainer).length !== 0) {
* Returns the closest h5p container for the given DOM element.
* @param {object} $container jquery element
* @return {object} the h5p container (jquery element)
function getH5PContainer($container) {
var $h5pContainer = $container.closest('.h5p-frame');
// Check closest h5p frame first, then check for container in case there is no frame.
if (!$h5pContainer.length) {
$h5pContainer = $container.closest('.h5p-container');
return $h5pContainer;
* Event handler that is called when the window is resized.
function handleResize() {
position($currentSpeechBubble, $currentContainer, currentMaxWidth, $tail, $innerTail);
* Repositions the speech bubble according to the position of the container.
* @param {object} $currentSpeechbubble the speech bubble that should be positioned
* @param {object} $container the container to which the speech bubble should point
* @param {number} maxWidth the maximum width of the speech bubble
* @param {object} $tail the tail (the triangle that points to the referenced container)
* @param {object} $innerTail the inner tail (the triangle that points to the referenced container)
function position($currentSpeechBubble, $container, maxWidth, $tail, $innerTail) {
var $h5pContainer = getH5PContainer($container);
// Calculate offset between the button and the h5p frame
var offset = getOffsetBetween($h5pContainer, $container);
var direction = (offset.bottom > ? 'bottom' : 'top');
var tipWidth = offset.outerWidth * 0.9; // Var needs to be renamed to make sense
var bubbleWidth = tipWidth > maxWidth ? maxWidth : tipWidth;
var bubblePosition = getBubblePosition(bubbleWidth, offset);
var tailPosition = getTailPosition(bubbleWidth, bubblePosition, offset, $container.width());
// Need to set font-size, since element is appended to body.
// Using same font-size as parent. In that way it will grow accordingly
// when resizing
var fontSize = 16;//parseFloat($parent.css('font-size'));
// Set width and position of speech bubble
var preparedTailCSS = tailCSS(direction, tailPosition);
* Static function for removing the speechbubble
var remove = function () {
H5P.$'resize', '', handleResize);
if (iDevice) {
H5P.$body.css('cursor', '');
if ($currentSpeechBubble !== undefined) {
// Apply transition, then remove speech bubble
// Make sure we remove any old timeout before reassignment
removeSpeechBubbleTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
$currentSpeechBubble = undefined;
}, 500);
// Don't return false here. If the user e.g. clicks a button when the bubble is visible,
// we want the bubble to disapear AND the button to receive the event
* Remove the speech bubble and container reference
function handleOutsideClick(event) {
if ( === $currentContainer[0]) {
return; // Button clicks are not outside clicks
// There is no current container when a container isn't clicked
$currentContainer = undefined;
* Calculate position for speech bubble
* @param {number} bubbleWidth The width of the speech bubble
* @param {object} offset
* @return {object} Return position for the speech bubble
function getBubblePosition(bubbleWidth, offset) {
var bubblePosition = {};
var tailOffset = 9;
var widthOffset = bubbleWidth / 2;
// Calculate top position = + offset.innerHeight;
// Calculate bottom position
bubblePosition.bottom = offset.bottom + offset.innerHeight + tailOffset;
// Calculate left position
if (offset.left < widthOffset) {
bubblePosition.left = 3;
else if ((offset.left + widthOffset) > offset.outerWidth) {
bubblePosition.left = offset.outerWidth - bubbleWidth - 3;
else {
bubblePosition.left = offset.left - widthOffset + (offset.innerWidth / 2);
return bubblePosition;
* Calculate position for speech bubble tail
* @param {number} bubbleWidth The width of the speech bubble
* @param {object} bubblePosition Speech bubble position
* @param {object} offset
* @param {number} iconWidth The width of the tip icon
* @return {object} Return position for the tail
function getTailPosition(bubbleWidth, bubblePosition, offset, iconWidth) {
var tailPosition = {};
// Magic numbers. Tuned by hand so that the tail fits visually within
// the bounds of the speech bubble.
var leftBoundary = 9;
var rightBoundary = bubbleWidth - 20;
tailPosition.left = offset.left - bubblePosition.left + (iconWidth / 2) - 6;
if (tailPosition.left < leftBoundary) {
tailPosition.left = leftBoundary;
if (tailPosition.left > rightBoundary) {
tailPosition.left = rightBoundary;
} = -6;
tailPosition.bottom = -6;
return tailPosition;
* Return bubble CSS for the desired growth direction
* @param {string} direction The direction the speech bubble will grow
* @param {number} width The width of the speech bubble
* @param {object} position Speech bubble position
* @param {number} fontSize The size of the bubbles font
* @return {object} Return CSS
function bubbleCSS(direction, width, position, fontSize) {
if (direction === 'top') {
return {
width: width + 'px',
bottom: position.bottom + 'px',
left: position.left + 'px',
fontSize: fontSize + 'px',
top: ''
else {
return {
width: width + 'px',
top: + 'px',
left: position.left + 'px',
fontSize: fontSize + 'px',
bottom: ''
* Return tail CSS for the desired growth direction
* @param {string} direction The direction the speech bubble will grow
* @param {object} position Tail position
* @return {object} Return CSS
function tailCSS(direction, position) {
if (direction === 'top') {
return {
bottom: position.bottom + 'px',
left: position.left + 'px',
top: ''
else {
return {
top: + 'px',
left: position.left + 'px',
bottom: ''
* Calculates the offset between an element inside a container and the
* container. Only works if all the edges of the inner element are inside the
* outer element.
* Width/height of the elements is included as a convenience.
* @param {H5P.jQuery} $outer
* @param {H5P.jQuery} $inner
* @return {object} Position offset
function getOffsetBetween($outer, $inner) {
var outer = $outer[0].getBoundingClientRect();
var inner = $inner[0].getBoundingClientRect();
return {
top: -,
right: outer.right - inner.right,
bottom: outer.bottom - inner.bottom,
left: inner.left - outer.left,
innerWidth: inner.width,
innerHeight: inner.height,
outerWidth: outer.width,
outerHeight: outer.height
return JoubelSpeechBubble;
var H5P = H5P || {};
H5P.JoubelThrobber = (function ($) {
* Creates a new tip
function JoubelThrobber() {
// h5p-throbber css is described in core
var $throbber = $('', {
'class': 'h5p-throbber'
return $throbber;
return JoubelThrobber;
H5P.JoubelTip = (function ($) {
var $conv = $('');
* Creates a new tip element.
* NOTE that this may look like a class but it doesn't behave like one.
* It returns a jQuery object.
* @param {string} tipHtml The text to display in the popup
* @param {Object} [behaviour] Options
* @param {string} [behaviour.tipLabel] Set to use a custom label for the tip button (you want this for good A11Y)
* @param {boolean} [behaviour.helpIcon] Set to 'true' to Add help-icon classname to Tip button (changes the icon)
* @param {boolean} [behaviour.showSpeechBubble] Set to 'false' to disable functionality (you may this in the editor)
* @param {boolean} [behaviour.tabcontrol] Set to 'true' if you plan on controlling the tabindex in the parent (tabindex="-1")
* @return {H5P.jQuery|undefined} Tip button jQuery element or 'undefined' if invalid tip
function JoubelTip(tipHtml, behaviour) {
// Keep track of the popup that appears when you click the Tip button
var speechBubble;
// Parse tip html to determine text
var tipText = $conv.html(tipHtml).text().trim();
if (tipText === '') {
return; // The tip has no textual content, i.e. it's invalid.
// Set default behaviour
behaviour = $.extend({
tipLabel: tipText,
helpIcon: false,
showSpeechBubble: true,
tabcontrol: false
}, behaviour);
// Create Tip button
var $tipButton = $('', {
class: 'joubel-tip-container' + (behaviour.showSpeechBubble ? '' : ' be-quiet'),
'aria-label': behaviour.tipLabel,
'aria-expanded': false,
role: 'button',
tabindex: (behaviour.tabcontrol ? -1 : 0),
click: function (event) {
// Toggle show/hide popup
keydown: function (event) {
if (event.which === 32 || event.which === 13) { // Space & enter key
// Toggle show/hide popup
else { // Any other key
// Toggle hide popup
// Add markup to render icon
html: '' +
'' +
'' +
'' +
// IMPORTANT: All of the markup elements must have 'pointer-events: none;'
const $tipAnnouncer = $('
', {
'class': 'hidden-but-read',
'aria-live': 'polite',
appendTo: $tipButton,
* Tip button interaction handler.
* Toggle show or hide the speech bubble popup when interacting with the
* Tip button.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [force] 'true' shows and 'false' hides.
var toggleSpeechBubble = function (force) {
if (speechBubble !== undefined && speechBubble.isCurrent($tipButton)) {
// Hide current popup
speechBubble = undefined;
$tipButton.attr('aria-expanded', false);
else if (force !== false && behaviour.showSpeechBubble) {
// Create and show new popup
speechBubble = H5P.JoubelSpeechBubble($tipButton, tipHtml);
$tipButton.attr('aria-expanded', true);
return $tipButton;
return JoubelTip;
var H5P = H5P || {};
H5P.JoubelSlider = (function ($) {
* Creates a new Slider
* @param {object} [params] Additional parameters
function JoubelSlider(params) {;
this.$slider = $('
', $.extend({
'class': 'h5p-joubel-ui-slider'
}, params));
this.$slides = [];
this.currentIndex = 0;
this.numSlides = 0;
JoubelSlider.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
JoubelSlider.prototype.constructor = JoubelSlider;
JoubelSlider.prototype.addSlide = function ($content) {
'left': (this.numSlides*100) + '%'
if(this.numSlides === 1) {
JoubelSlider.prototype.attach = function ($container) {
JoubelSlider.prototype.move = function (index) {
var self = this;
if(index === 0) {
if(index+1 === self.numSlides) {
var $previousSlide = self.$slides[this.currentIndex];
H5P.Transition.onTransitionEnd(this.$slider, function () {
var translateX = 'translateX(' + (-index*100) + '%)';
'-webkit-transform': translateX,
'-moz-transform': translateX,
'-ms-transform': translateX,
'transform': translateX
this.currentIndex = index;
JoubelSlider.prototype.remove = function () {
}; = function () {
if(this.currentIndex+1 >= this.numSlides) {
JoubelSlider.prototype.previous = function () {
JoubelSlider.prototype.first = function () {
JoubelSlider.prototype.last = function () {
return JoubelSlider;
var H5P = H5P || {};
* @module
H5P.JoubelScoreBar = (function ($) {
/* Need to use an id for the star SVG since that is the only way to reference
SVG filters */
var idCounter = 0;
* Creates a score bar
* @class H5P.JoubelScoreBar
* @param {number} maxScore Maximum score
* @param {string} [label] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar
* @param {string} [helpText] Score explanation
* @param {string} [scoreExplanationButtonLabel] Label for score explanation button
function JoubelScoreBar(maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) {
var self = this;
self.maxScore = maxScore;
self.score = 0;
* @const {string}
self.STAR_MARKUP = '';
* @function appendTo
* @memberOf H5P.JoubelScoreBar#
* @param {H5P.jQuery} $wrapper Dom container
self.appendTo = function ($wrapper) {
* Create the text representation of the scorebar .
* @private
* @return {string}
var createLabel = function (score) {
if (!label) {
return '';
return label.replace(':num', score).replace(':total', self.maxScore);
* Creates the html for this widget
* @method createHtml
* @private
var createHtml = function () {
// Container div
self.$scoreBar = $('
', {
'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar',
var $visuals = $('
', {
'class': 'h5p-joubelui-score-bar-visuals',
appendTo: self.$scoreBar
// The progress bar wrapper
self.$progressWrapper = $('
', {
'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar-background'
JoubelProgressbar.prototype = Object.create(H5P.EventDispatcher.prototype);
JoubelProgressbar.prototype.constructor = JoubelProgressbar;
JoubelProgressbar.prototype.updateAria = function () {
var self = this;
if (this.options.disableAria) {
if (!this.$currentStatus) {
this.$currentStatus = $('
', {
'class': 'h5p-joubelui-progressbar-slide-status-text',
'aria-live': 'assertive'
var interpolatedProgressText = self.options.progressText
.replace(':num', self.currentStep)
.replace(':total', self.steps);
* Appends to a container
* @method appendTo
* @param {H5P.jquery} $container
JoubelProgressbar.prototype.appendTo = function ($container) {
* Update progress
* @method setProgress
* @param {number} step
JoubelProgressbar.prototype.setProgress = function (step) {
// Check for valid value:
if (step > this.steps || step < 0) {
this.currentStep = step;
width: ((this.currentStep/this.steps)*100) + '%'
* Increment progress with 1
* @method next
*/ = function () {
* Reset progressbar
* @method reset
JoubelProgressbar.prototype.reset = function () {
* Check if last step is reached
* @method isLastStep
* @return {Boolean}
JoubelProgressbar.prototype.isLastStep = function () {
return this.steps === this.currentStep;
return JoubelProgressbar;
var H5P = H5P || {};
* H5P Joubel UI library.
* This is a utility library, which does not implement attach. I.e, it has to bee actively used by
* other libraries
* @module
H5P.JoubelUI = (function ($) {
* The internal object to return
* @class H5P.JoubelUI
* @static
function JoubelUI() {}
/* Public static functions */
* Create a tip icon
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createTip
* @param {string} text The textual tip
* @param {Object} params Parameters
* @return {H5P.JoubelTip}
JoubelUI.createTip = function (text, params) {
return new H5P.JoubelTip(text, params);
* Create message dialog
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createMessageDialog
* @param {H5P.jQuery} $container The dom container
* @param {string} message The message
* @return {H5P.JoubelMessageDialog}
JoubelUI.createMessageDialog = function ($container, message) {
return new H5P.JoubelMessageDialog($container, message);
* Create help text dialog
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createHelpTextDialog
* @param {string} header The textual header
* @param {string} message The textual message
* @param {string} closeButtonTitle The title for the close button
* @return {H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog}
JoubelUI.createHelpTextDialog = function (header, message, closeButtonTitle) {
return new H5P.JoubelHelpTextDialog(header, message, closeButtonTitle);
* Create progress circle
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createProgressCircle
* @param {number} number The progress (0 to 100)
* @param {string} progressColor The progress color in hex value
* @param {string} fillColor The fill color in hex value
* @param {string} backgroundColor The background color in hex value
* @return {H5P.JoubelProgressCircle}
JoubelUI.createProgressCircle = function (number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor) {
return new H5P.JoubelProgressCircle(number, progressColor, fillColor, backgroundColor);
* Create throbber for loading
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createThrobber
* @return {H5P.JoubelThrobber}
JoubelUI.createThrobber = function () {
return new H5P.JoubelThrobber();
* Create simple rounded button
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createSimpleRoundedButton
* @param {string} text The button label
* @return {H5P.SimpleRoundedButton}
JoubelUI.createSimpleRoundedButton = function (text) {
return new H5P.SimpleRoundedButton(text);
* Create Slider
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createSlider
* @param {Object} [params] Parameters
* @return {H5P.JoubelSlider}
JoubelUI.createSlider = function (params) {
return new H5P.JoubelSlider(params);
* Create Score Bar
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createScoreBar
* @param {number=} maxScore The maximum score
* @param {string} [label] Makes it easier for readspeakers to identify the scorebar
* @return {H5P.JoubelScoreBar}
JoubelUI.createScoreBar = function (maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel) {
return new H5P.JoubelScoreBar(maxScore, label, helpText, scoreExplanationButtonLabel);
* Create Progressbar
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createProgressbar
* @param {number=} numSteps The total numer of steps
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options
* @param {boolean} [options.disableAria] Disable readspeaker assistance
* @param {string} [options.progressText] A progress text for describing
* current progress out of total progress for readspeakers.
* e.g. "Slide :num of :total"
* @return {H5P.JoubelProgressbar}
JoubelUI.createProgressbar = function (numSteps, options) {
return new H5P.JoubelProgressbar(numSteps, options);
* Create standard Joubel button
* @method H5P.JoubelUI.createButton
* @param {object} params
* May hold any properties allowed by jQuery. If href is set, an A tag
* is used, if not a button tag is used.
* @return {H5P.jQuery} The jquery element created
JoubelUI.createButton = function(params) {
var type = 'button';
if (params.href) {
type = 'a';
else {
params.type = 'button';
if (params.class) {
params.class += ' h5p-joubelui-button';
else {
params.class = 'h5p-joubelui-button';
return $('<' + type + '/>', params);
* Fix for iframe scoll bug in IOS. When focusing an element that doesn't have
* focus support by default the iframe will scroll the parent frame so that
* the focused element is out of view. This varies dependening on the elements
* of the parent frame.
if (H5P.isFramed && !H5P.hasiOSiframeScrollFix &&
/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
H5P.hasiOSiframeScrollFix = true;
// Keep track of original focus function
var focus = HTMLElement.prototype.focus;
// Override the original focus
HTMLElement.prototype.focus = function () {
// Only focus the element if it supports it natively
if ( (this instanceof HTMLAnchorElement ||
this instanceof HTMLInputElement ||
this instanceof HTMLSelectElement ||
this instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||
this instanceof HTMLButtonElement ||
this instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ||
this instanceof HTMLAreaElement) && // HTMLAreaElement isn't supported by Safari yet.
!this.getAttribute('role')) { // Focus breaks if a different role has been set
// In theory this.isContentEditable should be able to recieve focus,
// but it didn't work when tested.
// Trigger the original focus with the proper context;
return JoubelUI;
(()=>{"use strict";const t=H5P.jQuery;class s{constructor(s,e,a,r,i={},d){return this.card=s,this.params=e||{},,this.contentId=r,this.callbacks=i,this.$cardWrapper=t("
",{class:"h5p-dialogcards-card-footer"});let e="h5p-dialogcards-button-hidden",a="-1";return"repetition"===this.params.mode&&(e="",this.params.behaviour.quickProgression&&(e="h5p-dialogcards-quick-progression",a="0")),this.$buttonTurn=H5P.JoubelUI.createButton({class:"h5p-dialogcards-turn",html:this.params.answer}).appendTo(s),"repetition"===this.params.mode&&(this.$buttonShowSummary=H5P.JoubelUI.createButton({class:"h5p-dialogcards-show-summary h5p-dialogcards-button-gone",html:this.params.showSummary}).appendTo(s),this.$buttonIncorrect=H5P.JoubelUI.createButton({class:"h5p-dialogcards-answer-button",html:this.params.incorrectAnswer}).addClass("incorrect").addClass(e).attr("tabindex",a).appendTo(s),this.$buttonCorrect=H5P.JoubelUI.createButton({class:"h5p-dialogcards-answer-button",html:this.params.correctAnswer}).addClass("correct").addClass(e).attr("tabindex",a).appendTo(s)),s}createButtonListeners(){this.$buttonTurn.unbind("click").click((()=>{this.turnCard()})),"repetition"===this.params.mode&&(this.$buttonIncorrect.unbind("click").click((t=>{"h5p-dialogcards-quick-progression")&&this.callbacks.onNextCard({,result:!1})})),this.$buttonCorrect.unbind("click").click((t=>{"h5p-dialogcards-quick-progression")&&this.callbacks.onNextCard({,result:!0})})))}showSummaryButton(t){this.getDOM().find(".h5p-dialogcards-answer-button").addClass("h5p-dialogcards-button-hidden").attr("tabindex","-1"),this.$buttonTurn.addClass("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone"),this.$>t())).removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone").focus()}hideSummaryButton(){"normal"!==this.params.mode&&(this.getDOM().find(".h5p-dialogcards-answer-button").removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-button-hidden").attr("tabindex","0"),this.$buttonTurn.removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone"),this.$buttonShowSummary.addClass("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone").off("click"))}turnCard(){const t=this.getDOM(),s=t.find(".h5p-dialogcards-card-content"),e=t.find(".h5p-dialogcards-cardholder").addClass("h5p-dialogcards-collapse");s.find(".joubel-tip-container").remove();const a=s.hasClass("h5p-dialogcards-turned");s.toggleClass("h5p-dialogcards-turned",!a),setTimeout((()=>{if(e.removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-collapse"),this.changeText(a?this.getText():this.getAnswer()),a?e.find(".h5p-audio-inner").removeClass("hide"):this.removeAudio(e),"repetition"===this.params.mode&&!this.params.behaviour.quickProgression){const s=t.find(".h5p-dialogcards-answer-button");!1===s.hasClass("h5p-dialogcards-quick-progression")&&s.addClass("h5p-dialogcards-quick-progression").attr("tabindex",0)}setTimeout((()=>{this.addTipToCard(s,a?"front":"back"),"function"==typeof this.callbacks.onCardTurned&&this.callbacks.onCardTurned(a)}),200),this.resizeOverflowingText(),this.$cardTextArea.focus()}),200)}changeText(t){this.$cardTextArea.html(t),this.$cardTextArea.toggleClass("hide",!t||!t.length)}setProgressText(t,s){if("repetition"!==this.params.mode)return;const e=this.params.progressText.replace("@card",t.toString()).replace("@total",s.toString());this.$cardWrapper.attr("aria-label",e)}resizeOverflowingText(){if(!this.params.behaviour.scaleTextNotCard)return;const t=this.getDOM().find(".h5p-dialogcards-card-text"),s=t.children();this.resizeTextToFitContainer(t,s)}resizeTextToFitContainer(t,e){e.css("font-size","");const a=t.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().height;let r=e.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().height;const i=parseFloat(t.css("font-size"));let d=parseFloat(e.css("font-size"));const o=this.getDOM().closest(".h5p-container"),n=parseFloat(o.css("font-size"));if(r>a){let t=!0;for(;t;){if(d-=s.SCALEINTERVAL,dn){t=!1;break}e.css("font-size",d/i+"em"),r=e.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().height,r>=a&&(t=!1,d-=s.SCALEINTERVAL,e.css("font-size",d/i+"em"))}}}addTipToCard(t,s,e){"back"!==s&&(s="front"),void 0===e&&(,t.find(".joubel-tip-container").remove();const;if(void 0!==a&&void 0!==a[s]){const e=a[s].trim();e.length&&t.find(".h5p-dialogcards-card-text-wrapper .h5p-dialogcards-card-text-inner").after(H5P.JoubelUI.createTip(e,{tipLabel:this.params.tipButtonLabel}))}}setCardFocus(t){if(!0===t)this.$cardTextArea.focus();else{const t=this.getDOM();"transitionend",(()=>{t.focus()}))}}stopAudio(){if(!||!;const;t>0&&t{}),100)}removeAudio(){this.stopAudio(),this.getDOM().find(".h5p-audio-inner").addClass("hide")}getDOM(){return this.$cardWrapper}getText(){return this.card.text}getAnswer(){return this.card.answer}getImage(){return this.$image}getImageSize(){return this.image?{width:this.image.width,height:this.image.height}:this.image}getAudio(){return this.$audioWrapper}reset(){const t=this.getDOM();t.removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-previous"),t.removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-current"),this.changeText(this.getText());const s=t.find(".h5p-dialogcards-card-content");s.removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-turned"),this.addTipToCard(s,"front",,this.params.behaviour.quickProgression||t.find(".h5p-dialogcards-answer-button").removeClass("h5p-dialogcards-quick-progression"),this.hideSummaryButton()}}s.SCALEINTERVAL=.2,s.MAXSCALE=16,s.MINSCALE=4;const e=s;const a=class{constructor(t,s,e,a){return this.params=t,this.contentId=s,this.callbacks=e,this.idCounter=a,[],this.params.dialogs.forEach(((t,s)=>{,})),this}getCard(t){if(!(t<0||t>"number"==typeof[t]&&this.loadCard(t),[t]}getCardIds(){return,s)=>s))}loadCard(t){t<0||t>||"number"==typeof[t]&&([t]=new e(this.params.dialogs[t],this.params,t,this.contentId,this.callbacks,this.idCounter))}};const r=class{constructor(t=[]){return,e)=>t.indexOf(s)>=e)),this}getCards(){return}peek(t,s=1){return s=Math.max(0,s),"top"===t&&(t=0),"bottom"===t&&(,t<0||t>[],t+s)}add(t,s="top"){"number"==typeof t&&(t=[t]),t.forEach((e=>{"top"===s?s=0:"bottom"===s?"random"===s&&(s=Math.floor(Math.random()*,,0,...t))}))}push(t){this.add(t,"top")}pull(t=1,s="top"){return t=Math.max(1,Math.min(t,,"top"===s&&(s=0),"bottom"===s&&(s=-t),s=Math.max(0,Math.min(s,,,t)}remove(t){"number"==typeof t&&(t=[t]),t.forEach((t=>{const;s>-1&&,1)}))}shuffle(){for(let;t>0;t--){const s=Math.floor(Math.random()*(t+1));[[t],[s]]=[[s],[t]]}return}contains(t){return-1!}length(){return}};const i=class{constructor(t,s,e,r){return this.params=t,this.cardPool=new a(t,s,e,r),this.reset(t.cardPiles),this}createSelection(){let t=[];if("repetition"===this.params.mode)t=this.createSelectionRepetition();else t=this.cardPool.getCardIds();return t}createPiles(t){if(t)return void(>new r(;this.cardPiles=[];const s=this.cardPool.getCardIds();switch(this.params.mode){case"repetition":for(let t=0;t{const s=this.find(t.cardId);if(-1===s)return;let e=!0===t.result?s+1:0;e=Math.max(0,Math.min(e,this.cardPiles.length-1)),this.cardPiles[s].remove(t.cardId),this.cardPiles[e].add(t.cardId,"bottom")})),this.getPileSizes()}createSelectionRepetition(){let t=[],s=null;for(let e=0;e0;t--){const e=Math.floor(Math.random()*(t+1));[s[t],s[e]]=[s[e],s[t]]}return s}find(t){let s=-1;return this.cardPiles.forEach(((e,a)=>{if(-1!==s)return s;e.contains(t)&&(s=a)})),s}reset(t){this.createPiles(t)}getCard(t){return this.cardPool.getCard(t)}getSize(){return this.cardPool.getCardIds().length}getPiles(){return this.cardPiles}getPileSizes(){return>t.length()))}};const d=class{constructor(t,s){this.params=t,this.callbacks=s,this.currentCallback=s.nextRound,this.fields=[],this.container=document.createElement("div"),this.container.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-screen");const e=this.createContainerDOM(t.summary);this.fields.round=e.getElementsByClassName("h5p-dialogcards-summary-subheader")[0],this.fields["h5p-dialogcards-round-cards-right"]=this.addTableRow(e,{category:this.params.summaryCardsRight,symbol:"h5p-dialogcards-check"}),this.fields["h5p-dialogcards-round-cards-wrong"]=this.addTableRow(e,{category:this.params.summaryCardsWrong,symbol:"h5p-dialogcards-times"}),this.fields["h5p-dialogcards-round-cards-not-shown"]=this.addTableRow(e,{category:this.params.summaryCardsNotShown});const a=this.createContainerDOM(t.summaryOverallScore);this.fields["h5p-dialogcards-overall-cards-completed"]=this.addTableRow(a,{category:this.params.summaryCardsCompleted,symbol:"h5p-dialogcards-check"}),this.fields["h5p-dialogcards-overall-completed-rounds"]=this.addTableRow(a,{category:this.params.summaryCompletedRounds,symbol:""});const r=document.createElement("div");r.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-message"),this.fields.message=r;const i=H5P.JoubelUI.createButton({class:"h5p-dialogcards-buttonNextRound",title:this.params.nextRound.replace("@round",2),html:this.params.nextRound.replace("@round",2)}).click(this.currentCallback).get(0);this.fields.button=i;const d=H5P.JoubelUI.createButton({class:"h5p-dialogcards-button-restart",title:this.params.startOver,html:this.params.startOver}).get(0),o=this.createConfirmationDialog({l10n:this.params.confirmStartingOver,instance:this},(()=>{setTimeout((()=>{this.callbacks.retry()}),100)}));d.addEventListener("click",(t=>{})),this.fields.buttonStartOver=d;const n=document.createElement("div");return n.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-footer"),n.appendChild(d),n.appendChild(i),this.container.appendChild(e),this.container.appendChild(a),this.container.appendChild(r),this.container.appendChild(n),this.hide(),this}getDOM(){return this.container}createContainerDOM(t,s=""){const e=document.createElement("div");e.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-container");const a=document.createElement("div");a.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-header"),a.innerHTML=t,e.appendChild(a);const r=document.createElement("div");r.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-subheader"),r.innerHTML=s,e.appendChild(r);const i=document.createElement("table");return i.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-table"),e.appendChild(i),e}addTableRow(t,s){const e=t.getElementsByClassName("h5p-dialogcards-summary-table")[0],a=document.createElement("tr"),r=document.createElement("td");r.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-table-row-category"),r.innerHTML=s.category,a.appendChild(r);const i=document.createElement("td");i.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-table-row-symbol"),void 0!==s.symbol&&""!==s.symbol&&i.classList.add(s.symbol),a.appendChild(i);const d=document.createElement("td");return d.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-summary-table-row-score"),a.appendChild(d),e.appendChild(a),d}update({done:t=!1,round:s,message:e,results:a=[]}={}){!0===t?(this.fields.buttonStartOver.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone"),this.params.behaviour.enableRetry?(this.fields.button.classList.remove("h5p-dialogcards-button-next-round"),this.fields.button.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-button-restart"),this.fields.button.innerHTML=this.params.retry,this.fields.button.title=this.params.retry,this.currentCallback=this.callbacks.retry):this.fields.button.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone")):(this.fields.buttonStartOver.classList.remove("h5p-dialogcards-button-gone"),this.fields.button.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-button-next-round"),this.fields.button.classList.remove("h5p-dialogcards-button-restart"),this.fields.button.innerHTML=this.params.nextRound,this.fields.button.title=this.params.nextRound,this.currentCallback=this.callbacks.nextRound),H5P.jQuery(this.fields.button).unbind("click").click(this.currentCallback),this.fields.round.innerHTML=this.params.round.replace("@round",s),t||void 0===s||(this.fields.button.innerHTML=this.params.nextRound.replace("@round",s+1),this.fields.button.title=this.params.nextRound.replace("@round",s+1)),t&&void 0!==e&&""!==e?(this.fields.message.classList.remove("h5p-dialogcards-gone"),this.fields.message.innerHTML=e):this.fields.message.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-gone"),a.forEach((t=>{let s=void 0!==t.score.value?t.score.value:"";void 0!==t.score.max&&(s=`${s} / ${t.score.max}`),this.fields[t.field].innerHTML=s}))}show(){this.container.classList.remove("h5p-dialogcards-gone"),setTimeout((()=>{this.fields.button.focus()}),0)}hide(){this.container.classList.add("h5p-dialogcards-gone")}createConfirmationDialog(t,s){t=t||{};var e=new H5P.ConfirmationDialog({instance:t.instance,headerText:t.l10n.header,dialogText:t.l10n.body,cancelText:t.l10n.cancelLabel,confirmText:t.l10n.confirmLabel});return e.on("confirmed",(()=>{s()})),e.appendTo(this.getContainer()),e}getContainer(){const t=H5P.jQuery('[data-content-id="'+self.contentId+'"].h5p-content'),s=t.parents(".h5p-container");let e;return e=0!==s.length?s.last():0!==t.length?t:H5P.jQuery(document.body),e.get(0)}},o=H5P.jQuery,n=H5P.JoubelUI;class h extends H5P.EventDispatcher{constructor(t,s,e){super(),this.idCounter=h.idCounter++,,this.previousState=e.previousState||{},this.contentData=e||{},this.params=o.extend({title:"",mode:"normal",description:"Sit in pairs and make up sentences where you include the expressions below. Example: I should have said yes, HOWEVER I kept my mouth shut.",next:"Next",prev:"Previous",retry:"Retry",answer:"Turn",correctAnswer:"I got it right!",incorrectAnswer:"I got it wrong",round:"Round @round",cardsLeft:"Cards left: @number",nextRound:"Proceed to round @round",startOver:"Start over",showSummary:"Next",summary:"Summary",summaryCardsRight:"Cards you got right:",summaryCardsWrong:"Cards you got wrong:",summaryCardsNotShown:"Cards in pool not shown:",summaryOverallScore:"Overall Score",summaryCardsCompleted:"Cards you have completed learning:",summaryCompletedRounds:"Completed rounds:",summaryAllDone:"Well done! You have mastered all @cards cards by getting them correct @max times!",progressText:"Card @card of @total",cardFrontLabel:"Card front",cardBackLabel:"Card back",tipButtonLabel:"Show tip",audioNotSupported:"Your browser does not support this audio",confirmStartingOver:{header:"Start over?",body:"All progress will be lost. Are you sure you want to start over?",cancelLabel:"Cancel",confirmLabel:"Start over"},dialogs:[{text:"Horse",answer:"Hest"},{text:"Cow",answer:"Ku"}],behaviour:{enableRetry:!0,disableBackwardsNavigation:!1,scaleTextNotCard:!1,randomCards:!1,maxProficiency:5,quickProgression:!1}},t),[],this.currentCardId=0,this.round=0,this.results=this.previousState.results||[],this.attach=t=>{this.$inner=t.addClass("h5p-dialogcards"),this.params.behaviour.scaleTextNotCard&&t.addClass("h5p-text-scaling");const s={mode:this.params.mode,dialogs:this.params.dialogs,audioNotSupported:this.params.audioNotSupported,answer:this.params.answer,showSummary:this.params.showSummary,incorrectAnswer:this.params.incorrectAnswer,correctAnswer:this.params.correctAnswer,progressText:this.params.progressText,tipButtonLabel:this.params.tipButtonLabel,behaviour:{scaleTextNotCard:this.params.behaviour.scaleTextNotCard,maxProficiency:this.params.behaviour.maxProficiency,quickProgression:this.params.behaviour.quickProgression},cardPiles:this.previousState.cardPiles};this.cardManager=new i(s,,{onCardTurned:this.handleCardTurned,onNextCard:this.nextCard},this.idCounter),this.createDOM(0===this.round),void 0!==this.previousState.currentCardId&&(this.gotoCard(this.previousState.currentCardId),"repetition"===this.params.mode&&this.results.length===this.cardIds.length&&this.showSummary(!0)),this.updateNavigation(),this.trigger("resize")},this.createDOM=t=>{if(this.cardIds=t&&this.previousState.cardIds?this.previousState.cardIds:this.cardManager.createSelection(),this.cardPoolSize=this.cardPoolSize||this.cardManager.getSize(),!0===t){const t=o("